wayward souls_Waywardsouls游戏英文原版

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iPad Description A small fix/tweak update for the recently added Paladin character! Wayward Souls is an action-adventure game built for quick playthroughs and mas...本吧热帖: 1-关于精品贴丢失问题 2-那个,其实我是大吧,有问题可以问我 3-好了,视频传上来了 4-mage gauntlet和wayward souls哪个难? 5-“集中一点,登峰造极!...

Wayward Souls是一款非常好玩的rpg类像素冒险战斗游戏,自由度极高的游戏你想在游戏中干什么都可以,在这款游戏中玩家需要控制角色去冒险,游戏内所有的关卡都是随机生成的,玩起来十分...Out now on iOS & Android. Coming soon to PC Press EmailPress KitBuy the Game

ˇ▂ˇ Wayward Souls is a randomly generated action-RPG with a heavy focus on story. Play as seven different heroes, all with their own sets of abilities...不屈的灵魂(Wayward Souls)|任性的灵魂(别称)​www.ogsgame.com/wayward-souls/ 不屈的灵魂(Wayward Souls)|任性的灵魂(别称)是一个随机生成的action-RPG重关注的故事。 扮演七个不...